I am a Kentucky based self-represented consultant with focuses in Photography, Cinematography, Creative Direction, and Strategies.
I am available for work and collaboration on a very limited and case-by-case basis.
To explore my availabilities, punch the Contact Form.
Born dead and subsequently raised in ‘Middle of Nowhere’, Kentucky. Mid 30’s. No stranger to taking the leap. Southern. Multi-hyphenate. Omnivert. Storyteller. Workhorse. Product of sun, rain, and soil. He hopes you live before you die. He hopes your flowers bloom.
GRAINBRO is my exploration into doing things ‘the old way’; no frills and nothing fancy. A reminder to myself that analog, film, and print are very much alive and to be experienced.
Developing, scanning, and telling my stories.
More specifically, GRAINBRO by MARCUS is an ongoing medium format film project; just Marcus and his camera pushing his personal limit of grain, portraiture, environment, story, and imagination.